Harvest weight cannot be guaranteed as it relies greatly on one’s growing environment.

However, these are the average harvest estimates our clients have experienced:

Grey Oyster:
2.5L – 1-2 kg
5L – 3-4kg
10L – 6-10kg

Button mushroom
Average tray –  1-3kg
Large Tray-  4-6kg

Lion’s Mane –  1-2kg

Yes we give instructions/PDF with every home growing kit you buy from us

Mushroom kits are easy to grow and when you receive them they are already inoculated and set to grow within a few weeks. The mushroom kits re-grow around 3 times each on average.

For the grey oyster, all you have to do is spray the outside of the bucket daily, with a mist water spray for the mushrooms to grow.

The button mushroom kit involves an extra process where one must add a casing layer on top of the inoculated compost (also provided with the kit).

We are based in East London and Pretoria. However we have an account with Aramex.

Aramex charges R100 standard fee for a box that can fit up to 30 mushroom kits for the same price.

However if you are in East London and Pretoria, you are more than welcome to reach out and we can arrange a pick up date.

Grey Oyster Mushroom kits:

You can grow this product in any room, Most clients have this kits in their kitchen, outside etc…


If you want to go commercially with this, we highly suggest that you will have a humidifier to keep the room above 90% all the time and 16-27 degrees.


Button Mushrooms:

Dark room with room Temperature above 15 degrees

Please provide us with pictures of your mushroom kit, we will get back to you with advice as soon as possible.

However, mushrooms love high humidity and lots of fresh air exchange, therefore if you are experiencing difficulty try to increase these factors to provide your mushrooms with the best chance to grow.

Also, do not place your mushroom kit in direct sunlight.

We use Aramex door to door courier service around South Africa.

Inbox us if you need courier service/advice abroad

We can give advice and whole sale prices if you want to grow mushroom commercially. Send us inbox if you need any help.